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Our Services

Less Data Wrangling, More In-Depth Analysis, and Unlocking Valuable Insights


Alpha Research Agents

This is the marketplace where we develop and deploy AI Agents that conduct investment research and quantitative analytics to help clients identify trading opportunities and generate alpha (i.e. excess investment return), essentially helping clients make better risk adjusted returns.

Portfolio AI Agent

Any Information that You Care

Chatting with the portfolio to garner insights instantaneously, aligning strategic decision-making with the fast-paced financial landscape.


Dynamic Dashboard

Most Critical and Urgent Matters

Immediately notify about risks that require immediate attention: significant increased exposure to a certain asset or risk factor, large draw downs, breach of risk limit, etc.

Smart Reporting

Routine Reporting and Checks

Scheduled, auto-generated standard periodic reports: weekly risk reports, Investor reports, compliance reports, etc.

Importance of API and its Use.jpg

Research Sandbox

High-Quality Research-Ready Data Through API

Cleaned & validated datasets for interactive exploration, serving as the foundation for your bespoke analyses and enabling high value-add nuanced research projects.

Radar Monitoring

24x7 Automated Portfolio Monitoring & Limit Testing

Market movements, investment guideline, comprehensive risk metrics, scenario testing, stress testing, VaR, Exposure, Counterparty risk, etc.

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